TRIO SSS Living Community

Find your new home in a supportive community with other TRIO SSS participants
In this Section

For the 2024-2025 academic year, TRIO Student Support Services (SSS) is offering a living community in recently renovated South Hall for all students who are currently in the TRIO SSS program or eligible to join the TRIO SSS program at UW-Stout.

Participants live in an academically supportive environment with others who have shared lived experiences, including first generation college students, students with financial need, and/or students with a disability (physical, learning, psychological). This living community is for incoming and continuing students. 

The SSS Living Community provides many opportunities to student participants, including scholarship workshops, study groups, peer support, and much more. Dedicated Housing student staff members are also available as resources and mentors. 

The SSS Living Community is committed to inclusive excellence and celebrates the value diversity brings to the educational experience, including, but not limited to, race, ethnicity, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, ability, religion, socioeconomic status, and more.

To apply to live in the SSS Living Community, please select it as an option when you are filing out your housing preference form which can be found on the Housing Gateway.  University Housing will send out information about this process. If you have any questions around the Living Community preference or Housing Gateway, please call or text University Housing at 715-232-1121, or email them at Link to the Housing Gateway can be found on the right side of this page. 


I’m confused by all your offerings! Can you give me a summary of your programs and what is required to participate? 

TRIO SSS (general program): Get academic year support in advising, tutoring, financial literacy, and more.
Requires SSS program application (see right side of page for link)

SSS Early Bridge Program: Move into your assigned residence hall room one week early, start the TRDIS 120 Strategies for Academic Success course, make connections with other students in TRIO SSS, and connect to campus resources. This program, including meals, housing, activities, and the TRDIS 120 course, is free to accepted participants. Students are then expected to participate in the TRIO SSS general program during their time at UW-Stout.
Requires SSS program application and Early Bridge application (see right side of page for links)

SSS Living Community: Live in an academically supportive environment in North Hall with others who have shared lived experiences, including first generation college students, students with financial need, and/or students with a disability (physical, learning, or psychological).
Apply to join through the University Housing Gateway (see right side of page for link)

Do I have to be accepted into SSS before I apply for the SSS Living Community?
No, but we expect you to fill out an application at your earliest convenience and will follow up with you if you have not filled out the application.  

If I want to live on the SSS Living Community but my roommate is not eligible to be in TRIO SSS, can we still live in the SSS Living Community? 
Yes, you may live in the SSS Living Community with a roommate who is not eligible for SSS. However, they will have to commit to the guidelines of the SSS Living Community.

Can I live on the TRIO SSS Living Community floor and be in the TRIO SSS Early Bridge Program? 
Yes! In fact, we strongly encourage it!

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